We aim to see every street in the UK covered in Christian prayer, with Christians PRAYING for their immediate neighbours, CARING for their neighbours and SHARING JESUS with their neighbours. 

We hope to encourage as many Christians as possible to be not only pray, but get to know their neighbours. We live in times where with the click of a mouse, we can communicate half way around the World, and yet most of us do not know our neighbours living on our own street.

Most of our streets have people who suffer from loneliness, or social exclusion; there are estimated to be 1.7 million housebound people in the UK who rarely see a relative or friend. Loneliness is epidemic across generations, whether it is single parents, people who have suffered a relationship breakdown, or even children. We believe prayer combined with Christians following the teachings of Jesus and loving their immediate neighbours, could transform our nation and help end this epidemic of loneliness.

Statistically there are at least two Christians living on around 260,000 streets in the UK. Imagine what a difference we could all make if we simply took responsibility for praying for and caring for those living on our own street. Will you join us?

We seek to work with churches across denominations and any similar ministries. See our partner page for details.

We ask Christians to:

Pray for their neighbours 
Care for their neighbours 
Share their faith with their neighbours (if opportunities present)