“The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray
will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.”

~ Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray’s sentiment is at the very core of PRAYERCAST, which was born out of a heart to see millions around the world reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Our vision is to see believers fervently interceding for people in every corner of the globe: calling upon Him to do the impossible, break the unbreakable and reach the unreachable.

with media/video/arts/written information

To this end, Prayercast, a ministry of OneWay, leverages innovative technologies and the help of gifted intercessors and journalists to gather prayers, news, stories, and video from around the world. These components are then used to create unique, compelling, and professional quality prayer resources that are distributed around the world using current and emerging technologies. Prayercast resources are used regularly by God’s people around the world in personal devotions, prayer meetings, church services, conferences, and large international prayer gatherings.