Prayer for Social Justice Issues

in-ter-ces’sion (noun): –  “the action of pleading on someone’s behalf”. 

Intercessory prayer is our responsibility to stand in the gap on behalf of the poor, the broken, the hopeless and the lost
and to pray for God’s mercy to restore and transform, to make right what is wrong (Luke 18:7).

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Scripture calls us to pray for social justice issues (Isa. 58:6-7, Matt. 25:34-40, Luke 4:18-19)
until God brings healing, restoration and transformation (Isa. 62:7).
However, social justice will not be achieved by prayer alone. 

If we pray for social justice, we will find ways of working for social justice.
That is the best “amen” to our prayer.

Etienne Piek ~

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
protect the rights of those who are helpless.  
Speak out and pronounce a sentence of justice,
defend the cause of the wretched and the poor.”  
~ Proverbs 31:8-9

For poor people throughout the developing world, this is everyday life:
No defense. No protection. Nothing to hold back violence. 
Not just the violence that makes the headlines like war or genocide— but common, criminal violence.

The work of justice begins with prayer. As we seek justice on behalf of others, we rely on an all-powerful God to help us do what is only possible with and through him. We rely on the support of our global prayer partners and prayer communities as we work in areas of great darkness and serve those in desperate need of rescue and restoration. Join thousands of people committed to seeking justice through prayer.

International Justice Mission is a global organization that protects the poor from violence in the developing world. They rescue individuals, one by one. That is where the work starts, but not where it ends. They stop the violence before it starts by helping local law enforcement, courts and communities sustainably protect vulnerable people. 

Praying for Social Justice
means praying for all the people involved: 
      • The people who experience injustice – people who are poor, people who are unemployed, people in rural and remote areas, people who experience discrimination because of race, religion, gender, disability or sexuality, and so on.  Also people in less developed countries.
      • The people who cause injustice. They may act in many different ways, from committing overt violence to opposing attempts to prevent exploitation or reduce poverty.
      • The people who have the power to change the situation – government, community groups (including churches), unions, business.
      • The local community – our attitudes affect what actions politicians and others take to remedy injustices. 
        Governments of other nations, and international government and business organizations, who influence “globalization”.
      • The church agencies and community organizations who lobby for more just policies and actions.

The Justice Wall is an on-line community of intercessors who are praying 24-7 for Justice to break forth.