A Lifestyle of Prayer, Care & Share
Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger men.
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks.
Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle,
but you yourself shall be a miracle.
~ Phillips Brooks

Luke 10 Transformation
This program makes it physically possible to establish a “Lifestyle of Prayer”.
Christian adults, youth and children are not only able to PRAY continuously every day wherever they go, but also CARE for the needy around them and REACH OUT to people with the message of the Kingdom.
Prayer is the core of this L-10-T lifestyle – a new way to pray 24/7 – for everyone!
Jesus wants Christian believers all over the earth to live lives that reflect His instructions – “…..teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you” (Matt. 28:20a).
In Luke 10:1-16 Jesus sends out 70/72 disciples to every town and place where He was about to go with certain instructions.
In Luke 10:17 they return with joy and Jesus rejoices in the Spirit to the Father because of what happened as they executed his commands!
The Luke 10 Transformation program enables ALL modern day Believers – the shy, the bold, the busy, the introvert and the extrovert – to do as the seventy did.
The task of missions and evangelism is just too big and the workers too few – both in the cities and communities where Christians live as well as in the less- or non-evangelized countries and people groups. This is what Jesus cries out about in Luke 10:2 as he calls for prayer and then He sends the 70/72 in verse 3 with one word: Go!
The Luke 10 Transformation program transforms every Believer older than 3 and younger than a 100 years into an active evangelist, intercessor and helper of those in need, by following the 4 steps that Jesus told the 70/72 to do – adapted for our modern times:
- Step 1 – pray continuously during the day for the people, places and tasks in his/her environment.
- Step 2 – identify people who do not have a relationship with Jesus as Saviour and make friends with them.
- Step 3 – care for the needy (Christian or non-Christian). Firstly, by trying to help, or encourage and/or then by praying to God that He will help.
- Step 4 – be ready to answer questions from non-Believers and to lead them to Christ and to start the discipleship process.
A very specific application of L-10-T is the Take 5 application where every Believer undertakes to have 5 non-believers for whom he/she prays and cares every day until they meet Christ.