Prayer for Government and the Marketplace

“Why do we Christians find it so hard to believe that so much depends on our praying?
We take the attitude that what goes on is beyond our control.

There is nothing we can do about it. We complain, criticize. But we fail to pray.
We have not understood the limitless possibilities of praying according to Gods will as revealed in His Word.
Because of this, we fail to rule in God’s Kingdom the way He intends.”
~Derek Prince

Because we’ve been entrenched in the “secular versus sacred” model for so long, it can be difficult for us to view our work as a ministry and workplace believers as missionaries in the 9 to 5 Window.
However, God tells us clearly that we are to glorify God in all that we do
(Col. 3:17,24).

One way we can do this is through Intercessory Prayer, which can be characterized as an intense type of prayer for others (Eph. 6:18; Col. 4:12), the priestly calling of all believers (1 Pet. 2:5; Exod. 19:6) and the Holy Spirit praying in us (Rom. 8:26-27).

Having people pray for us to fulfill our purpose and calling in our workplaces is consistent with the will of God for every individual. 

Os Hillman – Marketplace Leaders

1 Timothy 2:1-2 a gives a clear instruction that we should pray "for kings and all those in authority."

Battles are underway for political rule in virtually every nation on earth. If the powers of darkness are allowed to work undisturbed and influence people, they will take control of governments and people in positions of authority. The consequences will be catastrophic for everyone.

Who should we pray for?

  • Politicians
  • The legal profession
  • Protection services
  • Spiritual leaders
  • Educational leaders
  • Cultural leaders
  • Commercial leaders
  • People in authority in the media:
  • Municipal and government officials: mayors, town clerks, executive officials.
  • Social leaders

How should we pray for them?

  • Pray for their salvation so that they can be reconciled to God. Pray specifically that the Lord will send people to them who can witness to them.
  • Pray especially that corrupt and unsaved leaders become convicted and that they will seek God’s forgiveness. Pray for them for pure lives and sober habits.
  • Pray for their families for their salvation and that they will influence the person’s life positively.
  • Pray for the person in the execution of his/her duties, that they will act fairly, humanely and with insight.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will pour out the love of God into the person’s life.
  • Pray according to Micah.6:8  “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
  • Pray that unfair and godless leaders will make “mistakes” that will be to the advantage of the Gospel.
  • Pray that oppressors and godless leaders will lose their positions of power through wrong advice. “Confuse the wicked, o Lord, confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city” (Psalm 55:9).
  • Pray that the Lord will disrupt the advice of evil advisors and that He will give the leader wisdom and discernment.
  • Pray that the plans of those who are involved in plots and unholy conspiracies will be broken, whether the conspirators are people in authority or individuals seeking to harm someone in authority, we need to pray that their plans will come to nothing.
  • Particular demons are working in politics and at a government level. Pray and resist the influence of the evil powers on the lives of individuals in Jesus’ Name. Break the strongholds of the Evil One in politics and individual’s lives.
  • Pray for the leaders in countries where there is bloodshed, violence, chaos, and anarchy, that they will tire of these evils and seek for peace and stability.
  • Pray that leaders will realize that God appointed them and that He gave them authority so that they will act responsibly and will realize that they will have to give account to God of everything that they do.