Vision 2025
As of September 2012, personnel from participating organizations of Wycliffe Global Alliance (formerly known as Wycliffe Bible Translators, International) are involved in 1,537 active language programs. Additional work is known to canadian viagra online be in progress in at least another 538 languages by organizations outside of the Wycliffe Global Alliance.
In 1999, Wycliffe embraced the vision that by the year 2025, a Bible translation project will be in progress for every people group that needs it.
The Goal: Transformation
The goal of Bible translation ministries is not simply to print a translated copy of the Scriptures. Wycliffe envisions individuals, communities and nations transformed through God’s love and Word expressed in their languages and cultures.
Pray for God’s guidance. His mercy, directions, power and resources are needed for Vision 2025 to be fulfilled
For more information on praying for Bible translation ministries, write to Lloyd and Dahl Estrada, Wycliffe Global Alliance Prayer Advocates.