Movement for African National Initiatives
MANI is a network of networks focused on catalyzing African National Initiatives and order viagra online mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Afric...
MANI is a network of networks focused on catalyzing African National Initiatives and order viagra online mobilizing the resources of the Body of Christ in Afric...
Intercessors for Africa In 1976 a few friends with a heartfelt burden for the continent of Africa started talking to God about this continent. They asked Him fo...
Connecting Individuals, Churches and Outreach Groups with existing Ministries, Organizations, Churches and Initiatives (Entities of Change) throughout Africa Fo...
Africa Inland Mission Prayer Movements Africa Inland Mission believes the call to missions is a call to prayer.Prayer is where everyone can play an essential ro...
110 million people dwell in this corner of the continent, and they speak over 100 different languages. The Horn is home to many people order generic cialis onli...
30 Days for 30 Peoples A Prayer Journey for the Unreached We believe that prayer is an essential means by which God will bless the peoples of the world an...
Each Day of the week will focus on one region of the Muslim world. Every week, starting with intercessors praying for Mauritania on Tuesday in the West and fini...
According to Joshua Project 92% of the population in Tunisia are Unreached. No Christian, church, or organization has ever “engaged” nine (9) ...