Pray for the Sikhs
Who are the Sikhs? What is Sikhism? Do they know Jesus? The word means "disciple" or "learner". Are they following the true Master?
Who are the Sikhs? What is Sikhism? Do they know Jesus? The word means "disciple" or "learner". Are they following the true Master?
Today 1,29 billion people live in the shadow of Buddha. While many of these also practice other religions – or no religion – Buddhism is ingrained in their rel...
Hindu World Prayer Focus A Guide to Pray for Hindus The annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians and churches worldwide to take 15 days to learn about a...
Followers of Jesus from around the world desire to see churches and disciples multiply in Turkey. The goal of Pray4Turkey is to mobilize strategic prayer for di...
Impacting the people of South Asia through Prayer India – Pakistan – Bangladesh – Nepal – Sri Lanka – Bhutan – Maldives. Prayer is the foundation for reaching S...
High Places Prayer Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching; he preacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray for them.~ Richard Baxter Str...
Each Day of the week will focus on one region of the Muslim world. Every week, starting with intercessors praying for Mauritania on Tuesday in the West and fini...