Praying for the Unreached & the Lost

“God’s priority plan to reach the un-evangelized is the mobilization of His people in united prayer.
We are to pray with clean hearts, according to His will and His ways from His Word, in faith,
energized by the Holy Spirit.”
~  Joy Dawson 

These groups are found all around the world, not only in certain places. 

To find the least-reached people groups in each nation, CLICK HERE


2,000 years ago Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go make disciples of all ‘nations.’” 

More than 6,500 of the 16,500 “ethnê” or ethnic groups living today, to which He referred, lack a community of believers with adequate numbers and resources to successfully fulfill His command.

Simply stated, 1 in 4 people remain without reasonable access to the gospel—
The Forgotten One-Fourth World!

This means that, although there may be a few believers or even a few churches, they are a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize their own people group.

What can YOU do to change this?

Jesus told His disciples in Luke 10:1-3, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. ASK the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Jesus’ solution to the dilemma of the plentiful harvest with few workers was PRAYER.
Prayer changes things! Prayer…

  • Ushers us into God’s presence which changes us.Reveals God’s plans so we can cooperate with them.
  • Obeys Jesus’ command to ask the Lord of the Harvest to send workers.
  • Invites God’s presence and participation in the process.
  • Removes hindrances to the gospel and prepares the hearts of unbelievers to hear and respond.
  • Releases resources for the task.
  • Insures protection for the workers and the work.
  • Releases spiritual power to fulfill the call, and,
  • Exercises divine authority to change situations and people.
  • Prayer IS the battle, and prayer maintains the victory.


Pray that believers will see the hearts among every least-reached people group that are ready to hear and respond to the Gospel (John 4:35).

Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will send labourers among these “no-choice” peoples (Luke 10:2).

Pray that the Lord will help the Body of Christ to labour together in the unity of the Spirit to bring good news where it’s never been heard before (1 Cor. 3:9).

Pray that God will supply and multiply the resources necessary to support His workers and their work (2 Cor. 9:8-11).

Pray for 100-fold fruit that remains for God’s glory, transforming each group
(Matt. 4:20).